How To Give Better Oral - A Bunch Of Funky Tips From A Pro

When it comes to giving better oral sex there are so many variables involved. But, the first and most important thing to remember is to relax and let yourself enjoy giving your man oral sex. Once you get rid of any inhibitions and let yourself enjoy giving you partner pleasure your skills and your man's enjoyment with increase enormously.

So get yourself in the mood, release your inner porn star. This isn't a "job" it's a way to express your love and naughty sexuality to your partner. Get into and you'll find that you'll enjoy it more and so will he.

Other than getting into the right spirit of the act, it's also important to remember that most guys have sensitive penises, so rubbing anything abrasive across it is going to hurt! It's very important to keep your teeth from scraping your lover's penis while you give him head. One way to do this is by folding your lips around your teeth. Try it. Practice makes perfect. This is especially handy if your man has an unusually girthy penis, lucky girl.

When I say practice, I really mean practice. Go to the super market and pick up some penis shaped fruits and vegetables. Carrots, cucumbers, and bananas all come to mind. This way you can get your BJ game in order before the big show.

"Blow job" is actually a poor name for the act because is leads women (or gay men for that matter) astray. The object is really to do the exact opposite of need to suck. This gentle suction mimics the gentle sucking of a woman's vagina during peak ovulation period. Remember to be gentle, there's nothing a guy hates more than a blow job that's too rough.

However, one that's too soft and lame is also a turn off. Practice. And don't be afraid to ask your man if you're doing a good job. If you're too shy for that, don't worry, start off very gently and keep an eye on how your partner reacts as you apply more pressure. Deeper breathing, moaning, and a look of excited appreciation will let you know that you're on the exact right track.

Remember, ladies and gentlemen, giving great head is not a chore. If you think that it is then you're blow job is going to flop. Enjoy it. Practice and open your sexuality up a bit...enjoy.

- this post has been written by our guest author, Jenny
If you want to learn how to give incredible blow jobs - read my book by clicking here.

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